Summertime is such a fun time of year! It gives us so much opportunity to spend quality time with our dogs! However, we might need to do a little preparation beforehand.
8 Summer Supplies to Consider:

1. Cooling mat
It is not uncommon for dogs to overheat this time of year and, unfortunately, when this happens, it can be a race to fix the problem before it becomes fatal. A good way to help avoid this problem is to pick up a cooling mat that your dog can use throughout the day.
2. Extra water bowls
Dogs can go through water quite quickly in the summer heat. It can be so easy not to notice that their water bowls are empty, or to forget to refill them. It's advisable to pick up a couple of extra bowls and put them out in your garden and around the house. Pay attention to how much your dog is drinking and how quickly they are emptying the bowls. If their drinking becomes excessive, remove the extra bowls, to prevent your dog from developing water intoxication.
3. Fans
Most houses in Ireland do not have air conditioning. So, by adding a couple of extra fans to the mix, you will not only be helping your dog but yourself as well!
4. Doggie pool
If you do not live near water or your dog doesn't like being at the beach then a doggie/kiddie pool may be the way to go. It will keep them cool and entertained at the same time.
5. Dog sunscreen
If you have a dog that is particularly prone to sunburn or skin cancer then you can buy dog sunscreen to help prevent that. Consult your vet to find out more. If your dog in in this risk group (is white/lighter in colour and has shorter hair), try keeping them in shade and not taking them out when the sun is at its most powerful.
6. Booties
Footpaths and roads can get so hot in the summer, sometimes too hot to walk on them with your bare feet. If this is the case but you have no option but to walk your dog on footpaths, then you can pick up little booties for them to protect their feet. These are also brilliant for hiking on tough terrain that might hurt them or cut their paws.
7. Tick remover
This is really important in the summer, as tick season is in full swing. It is even more important if you live or spend a lot of time in Kerry. We have a really high rate of lime disease in both humans and animals because of the abundance of the deer tick, owing to the large deer population in the region. When it comes to ticks, a prompt removal is the key to prevent the spread of infection. And the remover can really help a lot.
8. Toys
And of course, just for fun, there are so many fun summer toys we can get to play with our dogs! From bacon-flavoured bubbles to frisbees. Just remember that the toys must be safe and dog-friendly.
Have an amazing summer! We wish you a whole season full of fabulous fun with your pooch!!
